Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Yep, One Of Those Days...

This past week was full of ups and downs.  I could write about many different happenings, but I've decided to start with a little day known as Black Friday.  Maybe you've heard about it?!  So here's a post about a small portion of my Thanksgiving weekend...mostly because some of you seemed a bit curious.  Here's the thing...I Heart Black Friday.  Well, not the way some do...ya know, pitch a tent outside a store for three days, acquire pneumonia due to sleeping in the rain, put on boxing gloves in order to wipe out the crowd of people who are trying to get MY  $9.99 ladder, and then, spend five days in the hospital to treat the pneumonia all to save $10.  Oh, no, never 'cause I don't own boxing gloves...haven't seen a deal for them, yet!  =)

Seriously, though, I do enjoy the thrill of the hunt.  Or maybe I just enjoy the ease of shopping without hearing the occasional "I want that" or "you never buy me anything" or "do you seriously need a coupon for EVERYTHING?"...umm, yep, I do...just in case you were wondering!  (And thanks to my husband for braving the three kiddos and giving me a day of peaceful shopping.  Ironic, huh?!)

So here are a few items that I purchased for a whopping...wait for it...wait for it...

$2.25 !

I know.  Incredible, right?  There was another bag of M&Ms, but someone ate those before I took the picture.  Can't seem to figure out who, though? =)  So the only thing I really paid for was the bread and the nail polish.  Let's just say that I even impressed my husband, which can be a bit tricky seeing how he has no reaction when his fellow teammates guess his word while playing Taboo...right, guys?!  But I'll leave that story alone (except for the brief "Women Rule!" statement! =)  ) I would show more about the deals I found, but that would give away some Christmas secrets...and I wouldn't want to do that! =)  Although, I will say that this year wasn't quite as impressive as the past.  I found better deals before the big event so that makes me happy, too!

So if any of you want to brag about your special findings, please do. I'd love to know what I missed! I'm also thinking that if any of you don't want to brave the craziness next year, just let me know.  I enjoy the game and would be happy to seek out the deals for you!  I think there's something wrong with me, but we'll leave that topic alone! =) (And seriously, I need to stop with the whole insert-a-smiley-face-every-other-sentence thing...cause it's really starting to annoy me!)


  1. i have known you for a very, very long time, and i agree, you r crazy (funny that is)i did not get to go "out" for the "hunt" (i had to work) so i did mine on-line. this is the first time i have done any shopping on black friday. i had a blast! i found everything i wanted and it is all being shipped to my house next week. no fear of pepper spray in my face :> and this is the first time i have gotten all my shopping done this early and sooooooo easy.
    enjoy your blogs. i laugh out loud - people stare when you do that. love you, aunt heidi

  2. "seeing how he has no reaction when his fellow teammates guess his word while playing Taboo...right, guys?! But I'll leave that story alone (except for the brief "Women Rule!" statement! =)"

    This makes me laugh. HA! And Yes!!! Can't wait for Christmas!!! :) :) :)

  3. I love following your blog! It never fails to make me laugh almost every time I read it. :) What a witty girl you are!

  4. Glad you guys are enjoying the blog! Thanks for reading about our crazy life. And PD, if you weren't so far away, I'd love to come and visit! You're little one is soooo adorable!


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