Thursday, April 26, 2012

Calling All Writers...

Share Writings

I'm a big fan of writing.  I LOVE to write, and that's putting it mildly.  I have journals dating back to third grade.  I've even written a book or two, which I will never publish.  They were just for fun, y'all!

I'm more of a philosophical writer, but you may not know that seeing how most of posts pertain to baby poo and lost swim trucks.  I guess I'm more of a closet writer!

Maybe you're like write to your hearts content, but you never share your stories.  Or maybe you have a blog and are proud of a particular post or two.  Maybe you submit daily letters to the editor and would like another platform.

Whatever you write, I'd like to know about it...if you're willing to share, that is.  So I'm asking you to send in stories, letters, thoughts, witty humor, or just about anything you've written and wouldn't mind sharing with the world.

Then, I'd like to post your writings on my blog.  I enjoy reading what others have to say, and I know there are other people out there like me.  Okay, not exactly like me 'cause the world may not be able to handle two people who iron their clothes while they're WEARING them!

So, please, if you have a writing or two that you don't mind sharing, send it to me so I can post it here.  It can be an anonymous submission and/or post. 

If you'd like to email your writing(s), send it to crazyvillefarms (at) gmail (dot) com.

Just make sure it's rated PG!  I'm trying to keep things family-friendly around here. Oh, only submit your own writings! No plagiarism...that's a BIG no-no!

If you're a blogger, I'd gladly link back to your site and/or post.

Go ahead...gather up your thoughts and start writing!  Witty, thoughtful, perplexing....whatever you're style, let the words flow!

I can't wait to see what y'all have to say!

Happy Writing!


  1. Do FB status updates count? Oh wait, I never have time for that even! hahahaha

    1. Ha, ha! Hey, you could use a scientific report that you've already written...that would be way over our heads! =)

  2. I love to write. I'm actually working on a novel (of sorts). Will it ever see the light of day? Who knows. At least I'm having fun with the process! If I find time, I might just submit something to you. Great idea!

    1. Working on a novel...that's amazing! Hope you get it finished and even published. And yes, submit something if you can find the time. I know how time flies, and there's never enough hours in the day to get everything done. =)

      Good luck on your book!


*If you want to talk about it, make sure to click the "Subscribe By Email" link below the comment form. You'll see responses in your email!

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